A podcast dedicated to discussion on all matters Howard Stern. Visit our Facebook group and join up for the odd time he's actually on the air live and we do a listening thread! Also the home of Radio Karate! visit our new YT page here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-gQQs-c59bHb3QQM8zAgUA/ For the latest Jim Fixx/Fillmore page, join our Facebook group and PM me here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1081190012234000/

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
QF: A Podcast About Howard Stern ep. #77B "Billy West vs. John K. FINALE!"
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
We hope you've enjoyed this one so far--here's our last installment and although the audio is perfectly acceptable, I recommend you view this one on our youtube channel because of the visuals. Peace out!
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit me up on Patreon here:
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Monday Jun 21, 2021
QF: A Podcast About Howard Stern ep. #77a "Billy West vs. John K. pt. 2"
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
You thought it was over but NO! We bring you our part two in two parts--the first right here, and on June 24th at 8pm EST we will provide you with the finale both on YT and Podbean (no live chat for that one because this is our week off) live chat will commence again on the 27th of June with our next breakdown featuring Raven, myself, and Bobby Chicago.
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit me up on Patreon here:
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Sunday Jun 13, 2021
QF: A Podcast About Howard Stern ep. #76 "Thermos Tutor Needed"
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
In this episode, Raven and I bring you up to date for April 12-13th, 2021.
Photoshop idea inspired by Raven!
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit me up on Patreon here:
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Monday Jun 07, 2021
QF: A Podcast About Howard Stern ep. #75 "Billy West Vs. John K"
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Due to popular demand, we finally got around to reviewing this video over two sessions--and it's still as cringe-worthy now as it was then. Wiggy tries to sandbag Billy who's tenure on the show is nearing it's end, by bringing in John Kricfalusi aka John K., the creator of Ren & Stimpy by "surprise." We'll also be playing some clips of the aftermath in the years following Billy's departure (part 2), but for maximum cringe, you definitely have to watch rather than listen.
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit me up on Patreon here:
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Sunday May 30, 2021
QF: A Podcast About Howard Stern ep. #74 Count Your Lucky Charms
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
In the first of our series of round table discussions, Sam and I are proud to welcome back Benjamen to the podcast; many of you have asked for his return and now it's happened! We use a plethora of clips from the beginning of last year to present day, in much the same way we did with Episode#71 "King Baby" but with less emphasis on the NPD and more just on the overall unhinged behavior from El Wiggo Culero. Sadly Raven couldn't make it for this recording but she'll be on the next one with some new members of QF, guaranteed.
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit me up on Patreon here:
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Sunday May 23, 2021
QF: A Podcast About Howard Stern ep. 73 "All About Jazz pt. 2"
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
**NOTE** part one is accessible through our Podbean app, but required too many edits to fit on YT so we didn't bother uploading it due to copyright issues.
Join Raven and I as we finish our two-part breakdown of March 30-April 7th in fine style!
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Sunday May 16, 2021
QF: A Podcast About Howard Stern ep. #71 "King Baby"
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Welcome back folks--and a hearty round of applause for the return of Bob Dee aka "Bobby Chicago" who's with us to comment on an assortment of clips from more modern shows, as many of you have asked for his take on them as opposed to the deep dives we've been doing thus far as part of the NPD series. *PLEASE NOTE* if this episode gets truncated due to one particular clip, don't worry because the entire episode is untouched and uncut on the Podbean app as soon as it gets uploaded. Thanks!
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit me up on Patreon here:
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Saturday May 15, 2021
QF: A Podcast About Howard Stern ep. #72 "All About Jazz pt. 1"
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
So of course the c*nts at Sirius XM copyrighted far too much of this episode to release it on YT but they can't do jack sh*t about our app, so here in unexpurgated form is the first part of our two part breakdown series finishing up the last week of March and going into the first week of April. Many thanks to Raven who helped me get through this as we had a myriad of audio problems but I doubt you'll hear them.
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit me up on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/jimfixx
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The Quite Frankly channel is right here:

Monday May 10, 2021
QF: A Podcast About Howard Stern ep. #70 "Marbles"
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Guys, this episode features the return of our man from Arizona, Cary L. who joins me in a dissection and discussion of staff salaries. Normally we don't want to spend copious amounts of time recording mere speculation and we haven't done that here; we have a fair amount of proper data that we've crunched using real world sources and materials, but we're also giving our take on Wig's current marble situation (or lack thereof lol). It's long but we think you'll enjoy it as a one-time deal.
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit me up on Patreon here:
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Sunday May 02, 2021
QF: A Podcast About Howard Stern ep. #69 "The15 Foundation Saga pt. 5"
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
You'd think it never ends but the hits keep on coming! We're not sure when this saga will be over but rest assured this ain't it!
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit me up on Patreon here:
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And on Podbean and Spotify! Here's the Podbean link: