A podcast dedicated to discussion on all matters Howard Stern. Visit our Facebook group and join up for the odd time he's actually on the air live and we do a listening thread! Also the home of Radio Karate! visit our new YT page here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-gQQs-c59bHb3QQM8zAgUA/ For the latest Jim Fixx/Fillmore page, join our Facebook group and PM me here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1081190012234000/

Saturday May 16, 2020
QF: ep. #19 "Bubby, We Hardly Knew Ye"
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
Howdy folks, and welcome to this week's first part of our two part breakdown of the past while--as you might already know, we only cover those days/segments of THSS that we feel will be entertaining for us to break down, so we never claim to be comprehensive. This part deals with Booey's budding alcoholism, a little more Trump projection, and introduces you all to our new favourite wackpacker, Bubby Christy!
If you like what you hear, please donate to our Patreon account as you see fit; also if you'd like some clips requested.
Join our Facebook group, but if you do, please read the rules carefully:
We're on twitter also! Hit me up @fillmorefingers or Sam @SammyTherese

Saturday May 09, 2020
QF: ep.#18 "Spit-Roasted Pelican Testimonial Trainwreck"
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Part of QF's mandate was to do some deep dives into the history of the show, and this trainwreck was simply too bad to pass up, so I (Fillmore) take full blame for putting you through it, folks. Sorry in advance. This is the Channel 9 "roast" that ends up being anything but, and though I'm not exactly sure of the airdate, it's more likely to be closer to the end of 1991 or beginning of 1992.
The fully get the awfulness of this show, I'll have to direct you to my Youtube channel:
That being said, we always make the audio available for our listeners, and thanks everybody for helping us towards larger and larger numbers! Almost at 6000 downloads on Podbean alone.
As always, if you enjoy our podcast (or would like some requests posted), please donate to our Patreon link:
For constant updates and more fun, please join our facebook group:

Sunday May 03, 2020
Radio Karate! Episode #2 "TV/Films We Blew Off"
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
You all have them--that show your know-it-all friend told you was so great, the movie every schmuck went to see except you, etc. Over the next three hours listen to us talk shit about every project that annoyed us so much for whatever reason that we avoided them like the plague. This episode features the return of our long-lost favourite son and genius photoshopper Rakdar/Shawn!
If you love this podcast, please join our Facebook group:
Radio Karate! Is also on Youtube! Subscribe to our channel and enjoy our first episode here:

Sunday May 03, 2020
QF: ep. #17 "Pills 'n' Spills and Ralph Shaves my Belly" pt. 2
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
Break out the barf bags, folks, this gets nasty indeed.

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
QF: ep. #16 "Pills 'n' Spills and Ralph Shaves My Belly" pt. 1
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Welcome back, folks--here's our first in a two-part breakdown of the weeks of April 13-15th, 2020. If you love our podcast or want to make a request for clips, hit me up on Patreon:
Join our Facebook group:

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Hey guys, Sam and I are finally headed down this path along with our Facebook group resident expert Bob Dee who's walking us through the minefield that is Wig Vomit's pea brain. It's clip heavy and not as jocular as our usual fare but we think you'll still really enjoy it.
If you love our podcast or want to make a request for clips, hit me up on Patreon:
https://www.patreon.com/jimfixx **
Join our Facebook group:

Saturday Apr 18, 2020
QF: ep. #14 "Tom Tom Tommy Can You Hear Me"
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Hey guys, here we are with our latest breakdown and there's lot more content coming this weekend!
Put on your projection boots because it's gonna get hella muddy.
**To donate to our podcast or for requests, go to my patreon page:
https://www.patreon.com/jimfixx **
Join our Facebook group!

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
QF: ep.# 13 "Absentee Father of The Year"
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Sorry for the delay, folks--the week's been hectic, but here's the latest episode in our series of HSS breakdowns, just for you.
If you love the podcast, spread the word; we strive for weekly content if not more!
Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1081190012234000/?ref=bookmarks
**To donate to our podcast or for requests, go to my patreon page https://www.patreon.com/jimfixx **
Hit me and Sam up on Twitter @fillmorefingers @SammyTherese

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
QF: ep. #11 "Hail Mary Charlie Rose pt. 2"
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Howdy folks! What we have here is the second of a two-part walkthrough of the infamous Charlie Rose interview Stern did in March of 1997 promoting Private Parts which was sinking like a stone from the box office top ten. Part two will drop on Tuesday or Wednesday night, as always on Youtube first for the premiere/live chat, then ASAP to Podbean.
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, want access to weekly Patreon content, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit us up on Patreon here:
If you want to opt for Paypal, you can send money here:
Join the Quite Frankly facebook page here:
The Quite Frankly channel is right here:

Sunday Apr 05, 2020
QF: ep. #10 "Hail Mary Charlie Rose pt. 1"
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Howdy folks! What we have here is the first of a two-part walkthrough of the infamous Charlie Rose interview Stern did in March of 1997 promoting Private Parts which was sinking like a stone from the box office top ten. Part two will drop on Tuesday or Wednesday night, as always on Youtube first for the premiere/live chat, then ASAP to Podbean.
If you dig our podcast and want to donate, want access to weekly Patreon content, or you dig the clips on my other channel and want to make a request, hit us up on Patreon here:
If you want to opt for Paypal, you can send money here:
Join the Quite Frankly facebook page here:
The Quite Frankly channel is right here: